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This is actually really well done, was surprised lol. It has various spots where a proof reading is needed, between slight misspellings and some words missing from some sayings as if it was typed a bit to fast... it could also use just a bit more info on a few things, and maybe have a highlight option in the settings for the map? Sometimes forgetting where a location is just to tap all over (I'm on mobile) just to make sure there isn't a new scene gets a bit dumb fast. It would also be nice if the unlock spots were labeled as such, I honestly didn't realize the glamor slam required each spot to be unlocked individually lmao so I had it fully upgraded and figured it would unlock more as I progressed. So color me surprised when I accidentally tap a spot and see an upgrade purchase window lmao. Just some minor like... indicators here and there, or tool tips on what does what. Like I still don't really know what the differences are in creating level 1 devices vs level 3, but I keep doing level 3 anyway xD there's other minor things, but it's just under the blanket of indicators and tool tips. Looking forward to more updates, and it would be super awesome if the older scenes got an animated pass over.

It doesn't even load in. I waited for like an hour or so but it was still stuck on the ren'py loading screen. Please fix this

This is related to your device, and there is nothing we can do. Unfortunately Ren'py loads the entire 875 Mb onto your device and if you have limited ram, and or device limitations you will run into this problem.

I see. I'll try cleaning my internal ram and memory. Thank you!

What time is the update going to come out at?

When is the next update coming??this game is Soo good

Android will be Nov-30, PC update will be Dec-31. Public version of PC unsure when we will update it.

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I installed it on mac but it doesn't work what do I do?

I still have only 3 girls its been 180 days and I maxed all facilities but i cant go to other places

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Does it have sound? Playing on Mint thru wine, wanted to check. Are the keys or instructions posted anywhere? Looks like fun game, excited to try it out


No sound sorry!

you should make sounds it would make the game a lot better. And add the private rooms for more characters. Make more scenes instead of having grey locked ones (great game) 

hey i love your content but every time i try to install it brings up an error that seas all files cannot be extracted from this device 

Hey is this the full game on android??

Not yet. The current Android version is only up to the prison event. This next major update will bring the Android version even closer to the current PC.

When will the next mojar update comes to android? And thank you

Next major update is slated for the end of this month.


how many female characters are there in this game (Batman Beyond) I think dana is in it?

What difference between 2.3.95 and 2.4.4?

Roughly 8-10 months of development, or 5 updates. We did add a new event for Gotham in 2.4.4.

alright good to know.

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Hi. Really great game. But i cant figure how to assign heroines to Meta Bordello. Got most of them on max Level Device (not tier 2 for the cells), but at the Bordello is absolutely No option to assign someone. Tried different saves, always the same. Can go to catwomans office and back. Thats it. 

Can anybody help?

Playing Android build 84

Android Builds dont have the bordello inputted into them yet, they have got a massive updated planned for the end of the month, ie next few days, which is likely to include the bordello among other things. Basing this info on reading a few replies made by Gunsmoke.

Thank you


Meta Bordello isn't in the Android build currently. Big update coming on Nov 30th.

Is there a cheat system in here? If so is it free or not?

On PC you hit C in the main map. On android it's in the vault. We don't gate features.


"we dont gate features" 🗿

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Im on the android version and i cant do anything after it says "roulette is in the glamour slam" and the only option is lexcorp


I have a problem, when I download the android version, the apk file does not start, what should I do?

Have you allowed outside sources? 


I have same problem, it shows message "there was a problem while parsing the package". Outside sources are allowed

what are these outside sources? If you are talking about allowing downloading of apk files from chrome, then I have everything turned on, but if there are some other programs for downloading apk, then which ones?

When downloading any apk online "outside" those from the official google store. You need to activate developer options and allow outside sources (typically).  I would google your device name and "how to install outside sources" to find a solution.

Unsure that the problem is there, must be on your end. Sorry I couldn't help more.

How to put girls in the brothel? I play on android btw. I seem to miss a step ...

On android how can I get the prison breakout started, and the yatch event? In the office I don't know how to get the plan option, please and thank you. 


They have not been implemented yet. We will be doing a big Android update at the end of this month, so stay tuned.

Thank you for the quick response, and excited for the update. 

There a big idk what happen but the loading takes waaayyy to long i play android can you fix it pr is it my memory is enough

This is due to how Ren'py loads on Android and the size of the game currently. Ren'py loads the entire game on to your ram, so with ram heavy applications (OS, etc) we run into issues with user devices. We're going to be working on creating smaller projects for Android in the future in order to remedy the loading problem. However with the current version there is nothing we can do with our limited resources.

Just a question if I pay for the more recent version now I have to pay again when a new version is released?

Yes, that is the case. We have the reward set at $5.00 on Patreon, and have a holding tier of $1.00 if you want to shift between levels. Next update is in end of December.

Ok. Sadly I cannot have the option to use the Patreon. I will wait the next update then check sometimes. Thanks for the attention.

It's one extreme or the other, in android your filthy rich, i can only imagine the grind with the numbers i see mentioned here.

I hope they balance it out a bit in the end of month update

The economy literally sucks and it's impossible to do anything in this game without cheating. I mean really 10 thousand a day when everything costs hundreds of thousands of dollars? wtf am I supposed to do?

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Yes, the grind at the start is not good. We resolved this in the Android port. Cheating is a good solution and ultimately the reason it was implemented was to improve the early grind.

Odd to only fix it in the android port because I'm sure such a ton more people play this on a phone then a pc??????

At least your aware of it which is good. Hope to see it fixed soon in the everyone else version.

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I wish could mind control night wing to force him to have his way with batgirl while I watch. 

Thank you, much obliged, greatly enjoying your game :)

I have no music or any sound at all, any help or suggestions would be most welcome, i play the android version on a tablet 

There is no sound in these versions.

Is there a timeline for the release of future updates?

We currently are on a bi-monthly update cycle for the PC version (all the newest content). The most recent update happened on Nov 1st, next scheduled update is end of December.

For Android we are doing a large content update at the end of November.


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Used google translate so hopefully it's accurate
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I wish it's for pc too. 


We will be putting up the PC (Unity version this week)

85 when?


I am stuck after prison event.


Prison event isn't included yet.

How to cheats in game for Android just asking?

They are in the vault

I have not been able to figure out how to assign girls to the bordello.  Selina is in the office, but there are no options (that I've found) to send girls there.  Any help appreciated. 


The bordello isn't included yet in this build. If you check their Patreon, there's a free post you can read with what's missing atm.

Thanks.  As always,  I found that list literally five minutes after I posted :D  Gotta learn patience.

Pretty good port. Using a s23 ultra and had some hicups but overall good. After a while the game starts to slow down pretty badly but im sure you guys will optimize as more updates come out

I just have renpy loading eternally

Renpy loads the entire game up. So if your device has low RAM (we have reports of anything below 4gb being slow) you may experience long load times and crashes. As well upon first boot up it can take upwards of 2mins plus to fully load. Hope this helps.

Is there any cheats

It is in the trophy/replay room.

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