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Deleted 266 days ago
(1 edit)

Yes we updated to build 92

SU-Android-92 更新了什么

what are the updates on 92 compared to 89


Anyone know why this happens

I'm in the same boat, hoping I don't need to start from zero. Wouldn't be the biggest loss, but it would be nice to pick up where I left off

Wouldnt be a problem if there was a button to just play from new content or something

You have to delete the old version unfortunately


SU-Android-92 is available now!


thanks!! what's the difference between build 89 and build 92?

Is the meta bordello available in this update

Will the Android version be updated?  Is there a project underway for this?  I loved the game but unfortunately I don't have a PC to continue playing

New update out

 does anyone know how to unlock this character, it is the last one I am missing, I am from the android version

Keep going on all the characters and she'll pop yup

How did u get harley quinn 2

have harley as your henchwomen and then go to labs


I know this is a longshot, but is it possible to play as someone other than Lex Luthor? Idk I just can't really get into this game knowing that I'm playing as him

Besides that and some odd translations here and there this is a pretty good game.


I agree i would love this game if you could play as someone other then lex loser


Same I would to play as a evil Bruce.

The work involved in that would be massive, there's a lot of labor involved in rewriting events in duplicate for another player character.

I never liked Luthor, either. At least, not before this game anyway ;p

It seems like a good game, but there's one problem.It Kix me out.You're shut yourself down automatically self.After a few minutes of plain, it's a constant problem.It's a bug that needs to be fixed

(1 edit)

i honestly don't know what to do next after returning Audrey to Savage- or well the clone version
i pretty much have all the female heroes 


how do I unlock this


When will the new android uil be available here?

Its out now

I'm having a problem where whenever I click the lab it brings me to the office does anyone have a fix for that?

(1 edit) (+1)

(Edit) I found what I needed, I just find that it is so hard to tell what is a location and what is a background. Outlines would be much appreciated.


would you ever swap Lex to Bruce Wayne?


When will be an update for an android version?

Now out

Deleted post

when is the next public pc release for this


Note on progress READ BELOW!!!

We're 100% going to delay the build! Our content side bottlenecks persist, and we're working through the workload. We are not cutting content to meet the deadline. Instead we will release the update when all planned content for the public build is finished. We're anticipating less than a week delay. Again we chose to stick with finishing ideas instead of adhering to external time frames. We appreciate all your continued support, and we will make sure if you subbed in April you will get access to the update."

From the developers, so maybe a week or possibly 2


Will appreciate if anyone can share a lead on what to do next.. 

Android build 89

Unlocked all the devices of the heroines. Have 4 cells empty. Kasnia west wing completed, all henchwomen duo scenes done except for Harley.

If i were to guess, I'd say you'd need to do the prision breaks, and visit the league couple of times. And depends on how many summoning you've done

But i dont get anything when visiting any of the locations... Where does the prison break or league stuff happen.. 🥲

Have you done all of the Grodd stuff? Sorry, meant to say legion, as in legion of doom hq (villian hangout).

(1 edit)

Thx for replying.. But my dumb ass completely disregarded that other locations existed.. It's so hard to know initially.. But then i saw a video where all the locations were highlighted and i found workshop, cadmus etc.. 😂 Have found lot of new stuff after that. Thx. 

Good luck!


I wish this can be on steam.

(2 edits)

how do we send the girls to the Meta Bordello? Feels like I'm somehow missing something.

I have all the heroes unlocked to their max level (that i have), but dont know how to send them to bordello.



Found this out, if youre on Android, its not out there yet. If youre on PC then you just have to make sure they're upgraded to higher tiers and available (aka not in the other strip joint which name is escaping me)



At some point, could a Quality of Life feature be added that'll show when there's an event at a location?
Maybe like an exclamation point or something on it.

After a certain point, the amount of girls to go through each game day takes ages to do. It'd be nice to not have to always check them all.


This is a solid idea, it would have simplified the gameplay a lot

anyone knows how to unlock league of shadows event?

Apparently you gotta talk to Talia on the yacht a lot and then shell cone to the office like 7 days later

I love this game even though I'm not a DC universe fan.  I wanted to ask, have you considered making a similar game in the Marvel universe?  A lot of people will definitely want it.  And you definitely have a lot of content that you can use from comics and animated series.


Failing to launch on my Mac


is the scenes animated???

Will Android version be updated?


Build 92 will be uploaded end of April!!

What about PC update?


so it's just a matter of a few days?

(1 edit)


Is there a code to input into the terminal that allows it to run on mac?

(1 edit)

Guys if anyone had problem with something just massage me on Instagram I will help if I know something about it because looks like the game producer won't do it 

My Instagram id:mamadsoleimani1

My profile is a car

(1 edit)

Does nyssa have scenes except the dancing one? If it has can someone please tell me how unlock them?


"are you gonna wash your hands?" "no cause im EVIL"

Deleted 268 days ago

It's a bug download the latest version from dikgames and it will fix


Are h-scenes animated?

Unfortunately no

Thank you for the reply.

No problem


When is the next android update dude, no rush though. P.s keep up the good work.

Will you move totally over to here bc patreon is being fascist?

when is the next update for Android


Mine keeps crashing what do i do to fix it

PC or android?


Can't get past the point where I have to go to the glamour slam, the only thing that highlights it's the lexcorp tower. Pity because I really wanted to see what this game has to offer and even support it. Been waiting on this concept executed in the manor for a while :/


Its hard to see but its above and to the right of the tower it kinda blinks a bit

PC or android?

Hi,I just wanted to ask what we have to do in themyscira, its just a little confusing,the MC just visits each place and meets various Amazons,but nothing comes to my mind as to what I have to do,could you help me out?


Mohamad_.soleimani1 massage me on Instagram to tell you what to do my profile is a gtr

okay bro,I just send u a request,

(1 edit)

Ok massage me I accepted 

hey,I am not able to send you messages,can you send me?

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